Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When I Met the President of the United States

It was the second night of the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and I was serving as a Delegate for John Kerry. The keynote speakers that night were Ted Kennedy and this new guy from Chicago named Barack Obama. Of course I was very exited to see Kennedy speak being that his brothers are the whole reason I got in to this stuff and he is a great Senator.
When Obama finished speaking that night he became a national figure in politics. As I sat there and witnessed this my fellow Delegates and I looked at each other in awe and said "Who is this guy?!" We knew this guy was going places.
The following evening after the convention when John Edwards had accepted the nomination for VP I was standing with my best friend outside the Fleet Center in Boston (where the convention was held) and out came Barack Obama walking in our direction. I told my friend to wait a minute because I had to go meet this guy and shake his hand. As I approached Obama he extended his hand to shake and said "Hi, it's nice to meet you." I was trying to think of something intelligent to say when what ended coming out was "Nice to meet you Mr. Obama. I think you are going to be the future of the Democratic Party." At the time, I didn't know I was right. Looks like I was.
He then gave me the secret handshake, raised his other fist, looked me in the eye, and said "Right on, man!" Then he walked off.
As I write this I am preparing to leave my hotel room to go watch Barack Obama be inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
I am so lucky and I realize it. I about to go witness a major historical event for my country.
I have always been proud to be an American but today I am more proud than I have ever been.

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