Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where is the Democratic Party?

When I was 18 years old I registered as a Democrat. I have been one ever since and have believed in my party. I have worked on campaigns to help Democrats that I have believed in to get elected. And I have tried to educate others on the great things Democrats have done for America and the world.
I am a Democrat not because somebody told me to be one, or because my parents were Democrats (which they are not), or because I wanted to fit in, but because I share many values that the Democratic Party represents. Here we are, the Democrats have more power at this moment than they have in over 4o years. The Presidency (with a very strong president) and both houses of Congress with overwhelming majorities in both houses.
I've been so exited because this is the farthest we've come as a party since the Reagan revolution took us down almost 30 years ago. And now my question is, WHERE THE HELL HAS MY PARTY GONE?
The leadership in the Democratic Party has so disappointed me since Obama has taken office. Harry Reid is a wimp who cowers to many who disagree with him and although he may be the Senate Majority Leader, he is not much of a leader. Because really, when it comes to Reid, who is following? Nancy Pelosi is an impressive person with lots of potential but can't seem to steer Congress the way a good Speaker of the House can. The infighting among Democrats in the House and the Republicans refusal to work across the aisle despite their dwindling representation in the House tells me that Pelosi may just be the wrong person for the job. With the amount of power the Democrats have in representation right now they should be fairly comfortably pursuing a progressive agenda. But they're not! The leadership keeps making excuses and then eventually blaming the Republicans for eveything that goes wrong. I know that the opposition party will always try to take the party in power down. And I know that the Republicans are playing that game right now. But do the Democrats want to be victims or do they want to lead? Right now it looks like they would rather be victims and that disappoints me.
I believed in these people. I believe in this party. The party of Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Kennedy stood for progress and leadership. And they delievered. The party still claims to stand for those things, but i'm still waiting for the delivery.
When it comes to the Obama Adminstration I get equally as frustrated. I campaigned for Obama. I have met the man and I believe in his ability to lead and make change. But i'm still waiting for the Change We Can Believe In. The battle over healthcare and become a series of town hall shouting matches with no leader at the helm to guide us on this issue. The economy remains a mystery that Obama and his best advisers still can't find solutions to. Tim Giethner is a lap dog for Wall Street that has provided little change from Henry Paulson and the Bush Administration. And Obama like Bush seems to think escalating a land war within borders (Afghanistan) will create stability in the Middle East. Iremember the good old day of 2004 when us Democrats were arguing Bush's strategy by contending that the War on Terror is a different kind of war and can not be fought with the old tactics of the 20th century. I guess that idea has gone out the door.
To be fair I decided that I will give the Obama Adminstration and the Congress the first two years of the new preisdency to show what they can accomplish. Most great presidents learn hard lessons their first year in office and then come back to do great things. Let's hope this is the case. So I will support the president and our leadership to see what they are made of. However, right now things are not looking good and it's making me think very hard about where I stand. I pray that my country will prosper and that our leadership will provide us with the proper guidance we need to achieve that prosperity and become the country that so many of us want to be at this moment in history.